Thursday, 22 April 2010

I've noticed...

This is just an observation. Ive been going out for to a few bars for the past couple of months. Yes I do come home late and miss out on sleep. But Ive started to notice something. I'm the type of guy who loves to dance. Especially when a good tune comes on. Id even dance by myself. The thing is, whenever I come back home from a bar after going wild on the dance floor, I get this feeling of energy and happiness. Its like my body feels rejuvenated. Even the air smells better and this is no word of a lie. Its not like I feel euphoric or anything .But its a cool feeling. So my guess is that all that dancing must have the same effect as exercising. It has to be endorphins being released during 'exercise'. Its a really good feeling. And from this maybe I should try and eat right and start exercising again. But this here's the problem: I can dance all night for 3 hours and feel great, but if I over exercise for over 20 minutes I then start getting exercise induced asthma which I find really weird. So why is that? And how do I sort that out?. I'm going to have to start taking responsibility for my mind body and soul and start doing some research!

Sunday, 18 April 2010


I feel a little frustrated. I feel like the things that I want to happen are moving to slow. On top of that I went out last night, came home very late and still woke up early in the morning? My body needs rest. I don't know why I keep fighting it sometimes. I think it can take a toll on my moods. The strange thing about me is that Im almost always thinking. Maybe even over thinking. Especially when my mind is on a creative high. I have lots of ideas but I sometimes dont always know how to get started. Its like my mind doesn't sleep. Im always thinking about the next thing, like I a have to be 2 steps ahead.
And then theres life. Always wondering how it will pan out? Whats going to happen next? Will I be able to survive? Will I be a success? What about money? What about a house? Will I get married? WHERE THE HECK DO ALL THESE QUESTIONS COME FROM? QUESTIONS QUESTIONS QUESTIONS!!! At a time like this some people would opt to smoke there nerves away. What do I do? Buy some biscuits, a chocolate bar and a coke! And dont forget the burger and chips on top of that!